Wednesday, July 25, 2012


A few years ago I had the opportunity to attend a workshop presented by George Needham and Joan Frye Williams.  I am sure most of you have heard of George and Joan. As I sat taking notes listening to this dynamic team my ears perked up.  A customer service walkabout was briefly mentioned.  I immediately made a note and promptly moved on with the presentation.  Upon arriving back at my library I filed the notes and forgot and moved on to the next crisis.  Later a situation was brought to my attention by a community member about the interaction between a staffer and a school board member.  I was HORRIFIED when I learned of the situation.     

Having some free time I pulled out my To Do Book and read through my list of things I want to research on a rainy day.  There it was Customer Service Walkabout.  I immediately watched the YouTube video, read through the survey and prepared sealed customer service walkabout packets for all of my board members.  I instructed my trustees to ask non library user friends to follow the instructions and return the anonymous survey in the book drop.  In the packet I placed a note asking respondents to visit the library and take the walkabout.   As the surveys were returned they were read and changes were made and steps were taken based on responses. 

If you wish to check out the customer service walkabout visit select the sample work tab and choose tools.  While you are visiting their website take a minute and join their blog.

Summer is the best time to conduct a Customer Service Walkabout.  Everyday unknown visitors walk into your library stopping by to use your Wi-Fi while traveling.  You and your staff will never know someone is critiquing your library. 

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